
Technology at Mission

Page history last edited by abogado 14 years, 8 months ago

main Tech website


Welcome to Mission College Technology Committee (formerly Mission Information Technology Advisory Committee - (ITAC) - DE Wikilamc-report - see http://lamission.edu/facstaff/technology


TMP-4-20-10.doc tmp-goal4.doc
District Tech Plan -2
June 6, 2010
TMP - 28

Final - Tech Master Plan - 5-17-10 - word doc


pdf format

SGTF Self Eval - Technology Committee
Spring 2010
version 2 - 5-18-10
TMP - 21  Reports to College Council CC-form Tech Comm SWOT ANALYSIS
Revised Tech Goals Goal 7 Agendas Tech Goals Overview
Attendance Sign in Sheet 
Spring 2010
Weaveonline LATTC 508 Policy


Meetings for Spring 2010 (7) -


Meetings on 2nd and 4th Weds. of each month - 12 noon - Center for Child Development Studies - 2nd Floor - Conference Room - Room 200

Meetings: (8) 9/16, 9/30, 10/14, 10/28, 11/11, 11/25, 12/02 and 12/16



Spring 2009 (8 ) - Meetings on 2nd and 4th Weds. of each month - 12 noon - CSB 102b -

meetings: (8) - Review SWOTS - Agendas -   2/11,2/25,3/11,3/25,



Fall 2008 (7) - Meetings on 2nd  and 4th Weds. of each month - 9/10, 9/24, 10/8, 10/22, 11/05, 11/19, 12/03, 12/17

Spring 2008 - Meetings on 2nd  and 4th Weds. of each month - 2/13, 2/27, 3/12, (Spring Break 3/26), 4/09, 4/23, 5/07,5/21

Meetings - Spring 2007 -  3/5, 3/12, 4/9, 4/16, 4/30 5/14

Summer 2007 - 7/30 8/13 8-27

Fall 2007 - Meetings on 2nd and 4th Weds. each month -  9-18 , 9-26, 10-10, 10/24 - 11/17/07 - Election of Co Chair, 11/21 (canceled), 12-5, 12-19



TMP -Draft
share point
CMS Task Force
TMP-20 linkage of master plans TMP-21 membership change of Tech Committee - add two new members mou-add policy-extra 5 students            

reports to CC

Tech Home Page TMP-done membership minutes IT charter projects revamp meetings goals-revised updates
model syllabus Task Force #9
Tech & IT
  Acceptable Uses of Internet-Web at Mission College yearly self evaluation form (doc) reorganization of District IT
June 2009
Lap Top Lending Program - May 2009            
tech plans

self-eval doc

due 5-02-08

self-eval report  report to CC  TMP - 2003 Tech Strategic Plan August 2008 Strategies for Effective Technology Usage - August 2008
accreditation - self eval - Technology - 2006          
SWOT Analysis Link
SWOT -TMP info to Sandy Thomsen for Tech Committee Eval 11-26-08
SWOT Analysis by the Committee SWOT swot-analysis-1 Self-Eval

Self Eval


Standard III-Tech Resources tutorials - faculty
LRC 234/205 policy new tech plan new charter-3.doc - 10-02-07 replacement policy


Goals and Projects


Fostering Continued Quality Improvement in Teaching and Learning

podcasts and wikis, CET and Coordination of Training (Title 5 - Math, Title 5 Multimedia, IT, Staff Dev, Distance Education) - Develop Information Literary Workshops - More widespread use of Library Databases by faculty and students - survey faculty and develop more meaningful training workshops in response to faculty needs



Using Technology to Enhance Student Services

one stop - shopping - bookstore - admissions - counseling


Promoting Effective and Efficient College Operations

modernize information systems - online work requests, "your class", develop scheduling and use of LRC 234/205 lab policy


Upgrading and Extending the College’s Technology Infrastructure

upgrade network - faster and better - coordination prop AA funds - attend District Technology Meetings


Assuring Comprehensive Electronic Communication Capability for all

VOIP - computer based phone - and wireless - students and faculty



Charter - ITC Purpose


  1. Develop and recommend the duties and responsibilities of the position of Director of Information Technology.
  2. Provide oversight and leadership for College technology policy, priorities, organization, and planning.
  3. Provide information, and when necessary, educate members of the College community regarding all aspects of the College’s information technology plans, policies and objectives.
  4. Ensure adherence to, and when necessary, recommend modifications to information technology policy, priorities, organization, and planning.
  5. Monitor the implementation and ongoing currency of the Information Technology Master Plan based on information gathered through continuous assessment of faculty, administration, staff and student needs
  6. Advise administrators and faculty and staff, through governance process, on the disbursement of funds, ensuring that funding aligns with the advancement of the Information Technology Master Plan.
  7. Recommend policies that govern the acceptable use of technology.
  8. Function as an executive and constituent sounding board for College-wide information technology issues.
  9. Provide a structure and process for identifying and evaluating emerging technologies that may be a benefit to the accomplishment of the college and its units or programs.
  10. Coordinate computing and information technology requirements of academic programs and administrative functions of college.
  11. Coordinate, with appropriate College departments, a comprehensive physical facilities assessment to ascertain the requirements to upgrade teaching spaces to accommodate modern instructional technologies and reflects the College’s future building program.
  12. Assure that appropriate policies, plans and procedures exist for such critical functions as physical facilities, data integrity and security, disaster recovery planning and copyright and intellectual property right issues, etc.
  13. Develop and implement a formal method of communication of the ITAC’s activities and deliberations for dissemination to the College community on a regular basis.
  14. Review, recommend and mediate operational policy and procedures.
  15. Ensure awareness of emerging technologies and best practices in instruction and student service delivery.
  16. Disseminate to College constituents information regarding relevant applications for these emerging technologies
  17. Ensure compliance with accessibility standards


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