Welcome to Mission College Technology Committee (formerly Mission Information Technology Advisory Committee - (ITAC) - DE Wiki - lamc-report - see

Meetings for Spring 2010 (7) -

Meetings on 2nd and 4th Weds. of each month - 12 noon - Center for Child Development Studies - 2nd Floor - Conference Room - Room 200
Meetings: (8) 9/16, 9/30, 10/14, 10/28, 11/11, 11/25, 12/02 and 12/16
Spring 2009 (8 ) - Meetings on 2nd and 4th Weds. of each month - 12 noon - CSB 102b -
meetings: (8) - Review SWOTS - Agendas - 2/11,2/25,3/11,3/25,
Fall 2008 (7) - Meetings on 2nd and 4th Weds. of each month - 9/10, 9/24, 10/8, 10/22, 11/05, 11/19, 12/03, 12/17

Spring 2008 - Meetings on 2nd and 4th Weds. of each month - 2/13, 2/27, 3/12, (Spring Break 3/26), 4/09, 4/23, 5/07,5/21
Meetings - Spring 2007 - 3/5, 3/12, 4/9, 4/16, 4/30 5/14
Summer 2007 - 7/30 8/13 8-27
Fall 2007 - Meetings on 2nd and 4th Weds. each month - 9-18 , 9-26, 10-10, 10/24 - 11/17/07 - Election of Co Chair, 11/21 (canceled), 12-5, 12-19
Goals and Projects
Fostering Continued Quality Improvement in Teaching and Learning
podcasts and wikis, CET and Coordination of Training (Title 5 - Math, Title 5 Multimedia, IT, Staff Dev, Distance Education) - Develop Information Literary Workshops - More widespread use of Library Databases by faculty and students - survey faculty and develop more meaningful training workshops in response to faculty needs
Using Technology to Enhance Student Services
one stop - shopping - bookstore - admissions - counseling
Promoting Effective and Efficient College Operations
modernize information systems - online work requests, "your class", develop scheduling and use of LRC 234/205 lab policy
Upgrading and Extending the College’s Technology Infrastructure
upgrade network - faster and better - coordination prop AA funds - attend District Technology Meetings
Assuring Comprehensive Electronic Communication Capability for all
VOIP - computer based phone - and wireless - students and faculty
Charter - ITC Purpose
- Develop and recommend the duties and responsibilities of the position of Director of Information Technology.
- Provide oversight and leadership for College technology policy, priorities, organization, and planning.
- Provide information, and when necessary, educate members of the College community regarding all aspects of the College’s information technology plans, policies and objectives.
- Ensure adherence to, and when necessary, recommend modifications to information technology policy, priorities, organization, and planning.
- Monitor the implementation and ongoing currency of the Information Technology Master Plan based on information gathered through continuous assessment of faculty, administration, staff and student needs
- Advise administrators and faculty and staff, through governance process, on the disbursement of funds, ensuring that funding aligns with the advancement of the Information Technology Master Plan.
- Recommend policies that govern the acceptable use of technology.
- Function as an executive and constituent sounding board for College-wide information technology issues.
- Provide a structure and process for identifying and evaluating emerging technologies that may be a benefit to the accomplishment of the college and its units or programs.
- Coordinate computing and information technology requirements of academic programs and administrative functions of college.
- Coordinate, with appropriate College departments, a comprehensive physical facilities assessment to ascertain the requirements to upgrade teaching spaces to accommodate modern instructional technologies and reflects the College’s future building program.
- Assure that appropriate policies, plans and procedures exist for such critical functions as physical facilities, data integrity and security, disaster recovery planning and copyright and intellectual property right issues, etc.
- Develop and implement a formal method of communication of the ITAC’s activities and deliberations for dissemination to the College community on a regular basis.
- Review, recommend and mediate operational policy and procedures.
- Ensure awareness of emerging technologies and best practices in instruction and student service delivery.
- Disseminate to College constituents information regarding relevant applications for these emerging technologies
- Ensure compliance with accessibility standards
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