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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 9 months ago

Goals of the Technology Committee


1. Provide leadership for College technology policy, priorities, organization, and planning.

2. Provide information, and when necessary, educate members of the College community regarding all aspects of the College's technology plans, policies, and objectives.

3. Recommend modifications to information technology policy, priorities, organization and planning.

4. Review and update the Technology Master Plan based on information gatherd through continuous assessment of faculty, administration, staff and student needs.

5. Recommend policies that govern the acceptable use of technology. - see http://techvideo.pps.k12.pa.us/course1.html

6. Function as a sounding board for College-wide technology issues.

7. Identify and evaluate emerging technologies that may be of benefit to the college, units or programs.

8. Participate in a regular comprehensive physical facilities assessment to promote modern instructional technologies in the classrooms and on campus.

9. Develop and implement a formal method of communication of the Technology Committee's activities for dissemination to the College Community.

10. Promote awareness of emerging technologies and best practices in instruction and student service delivery.

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