
Course Management Task Force

Page history last edited by abogado 14 years, 11 months ago


Update on Status of Course Management Task Force


The Course Management Task Force was approved by College Council in its September 2009 meeting.


1.     The Course Management Task Force met on Tuesday 11-03-09 and reviewed the current course management systems in use at our college. The Task Force makes he following recommendations to College Council for approval and adoption in its November 2009 meeting :



a.       The College will support two course management systems – Moodle (some hosting costs in the future) and Course Compass (no cost to the college).

b.       Etudes course management system will be discontinued as of 6-30-09 and no longer funded or supported by the college.

c.       The College will provide training in Moodle to the 8 or more Etudes faculty in January 2010, and will further provide assistance to Etudes faculty during the Spring 2010  semester with the conversion of online courses from Etudes to Moodle.


d.       Starting Summer/Fall 2010, faculty who want to teach online will use either Moodle or Course Compass.


e.        Student Identity Authentication

Accreditation now requires that all DE classes take steps to ensure the students who login to online classes are the same students registered for the class. This new accreditation requirement (as of 2010) is met when a Course Management System uploads students directly from the student rosters maintained by the college in its Student Information System (SIS).


Both Moodle and Course Compass (E-College) do not currently authenticate students in their systems.  Both systems are required to authenticate students by Fall 2010 or they will be removed from the approved list of Course Management Systems which will be supported by the College and which can be used to teach online classes.        


Recommendations for College Council Approval: 



a.     Action Item #1

College Council approve and adopt the following recommendations from the Course Management Task Force:

1.     The College will support two course management systems – Moodle (some    hosting costs in the future) and Course Compass (no cost to the college).

2.     Etudes course management system will be discontinued as of 6-30-09 and no longer funded or supported by the college.

3.     The College will provide training in Moodle to the 8 or more Etudes faculty in January 2010, and will further provide assistance to Etudes faculty during the Spring 2010  semester with the conversion of online courses from Etudes to Moodle.

4.     Starting Summer/Fall 2010, faculty who want to teach online will use either Moodle or Course Compass.


Student Identity Authentication

Accreditation now requires that all DE classes take steps to ensure the students who login to online classes are the same students registered for the class. This new accreditation requirement (as of 2010) is met when a Course Management System uploads students directly from the student rosters maintained by the college in its Student Information System (SIS).


Both Moodle and Course Compass (E-College) do not currently authenticate students in their systems.  Both systems are required to authenticate students by Fall 2010 or they will be removed from the approved list of Course Management Systems which will be supported by the College and which can be used to teach online classes

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